I think, the voice of Maurice reminds me a bit of Chris Cornell. After the show we started taking backstage and really connected and from there nature had it’s way! ha ha. A band he was in at that time, Motorfinger, opened up the night and I was extremely impresses by his voice and stage presence.

I met in first time in Oslo in November last year. Tell us how and where did you meet him for the first time? If I get it right, Maurice is from Norway.

Just drumming, and in my opinion playing drums is his destiny. I think it also felt good for him mentally that it was no pressure with touring planned. Most of the times he didn’t even listen to the songs beforehand we just went through everything on site. Pezo has such a talent for drums and we know each other for so long that all I had to do was make him come down to the studio and he conjured his drums from another dimension. Mr.Pezo and me have always had a special connection, and he loves music so it wasn’t difficult. Pezo to hit the drums again? I guess a lot old school TF fans will love to see him. Sometime after we planned our hiatus with Truckfighters, so before the hiatus actually began I had an idea to write a record by myself. When came you up with the idea of having a band besides the Truckfighters? Achtung! Die Pre-Orders sind bereits online ihr solltet euch schnell eine der limitierten Vinyl-Set HIER sichern. Mehr dazu findet ihr bei uns im Interview. Zur Freude vieler Truckfighter-Fans wird es an den Drums ein Comeback von Mr. November 2020 das Debüt „Question Mark“ über Fuzzorama Records raus. Jener Klampfenzupfer bringt nun mit seiner neuen Band am Freitag, den 13. Wir von Moshpit Passion berichteten letztes Jahr von deren Show in Köln HIER.

Dango kennen einige als Gitarristen von den Truckfighters aus Schweden. Enigma Experience – Das Interview mit Mr.